Here we are again, the first month of another year, looking forward to working alongside all of our valued clients and suppliers……hopefully making a few new friends along the way too. We are always appreciative of your support and wish you every success throughout 2018. This e-zine will give you an insight into what we have been up to recently.

We have been responsible for the production of ten publications so far for the National Inventory of Architecture & Heritage. The most recent publication, Architectural Heritage of Dublin South City was launched recently at The National Library of Ireland in Dublin by Heather Humphreys TD, Minister of Culture. We were delighted to be invited and in attendance for the launch evening and are looking forward to working alongside the NIAH team in 2018 on the next publications.
3-Interiors Website
Local company 3-Interiors is a globally renowned interior design, manufacturing and installation business, responsible for some of the most opulent hotel, restaurant and residential interiors throughout the world. We have just completed the design of their new website and it was launched this month. It is well worth checking out, to see how the other half live. You can view some amazing images by clicking on this image »
Major Contracts Awarded
You can wait an eternity for a bus, then three arrive all at the same time. Well, the good news is that this also rings true for major public contracts! In the final few weeks of 2017, we were delighted to be informed that we had been successful in being appointed as graphic designers to three 3rd-Level Education Organisations: CAFRE, South West Colleges (SWC) and Southern Regional Colleges (SRC). Each contract is set to run for up to three years and will provide an invaluable platform for our business. We have already completed a number of projects for SWC and the SRC Prospectus 2019 is now in production, we look forward to commence working alongside the CAFRE marketing team early in 2018.
Community & Social Responsibility
Since 2b:creative opened for business in 2002, we have always been aware of our responsibilities in supporting worthy causes and charities, as well as supporting nominated individual projects when the purse strings allowed.
At the start of 2013 we formalised a structure for Community & Social Responsibility (CSR) and established a group of local and international charities to support.
December 2017 signaled the end of Year 5 of CSR and we are delighted to report that during that period we have managed to support a wide range of worthy causes with a total of £27,700.
So, thank you for your valued business and support which has made this possible and we will continue with our efforts throughout 2018.